A deeper insight into the pottering of Mr. George, Mr. Scholes, and Mr. Robson.

Posts tagged “nutrition

Confessional #13: Incremental Future

  1. Every time I don’t give a dollar (or 5 or 10) to someone on the subway I become less inclined to give to the next person on the subway.
  2. Every time I objectify a woman by judging her by her appearance it makes it easier to objectify another woman.
  3. Every time I fail to actively listen to someone it becomes more difficult to actively listen in my next conversation.
  4. Every time I fail to honor the Sabbath and take a full day off to rest, I decrease my ability to rest at any time.
  5. Every time I stop myself from criticizing a customer, it makes it easier to love them.
  6. Every time I encourage a fellow artist, I become more content with my own level of success.
  7. Every time I make time for someone, I find that I have more time for myself than before.
  8. Every time I exert myself physically, it makes my next exertion easier.
  9. Every time I eat vegetables, the more I crave vegetables.
  10. Every time I finish a project (or blog, or post…), it becomes to easier to begin another.

Be Righteous,

~ G.S.R.V

Confessional #5 and Concert Reminder: Title kinda says it all don’t it?

I’m still not sure how this photo is completely relevant. But I posted it anyway.

For those new to the game, check out the first confessional post here

  1. I eat pork and lobster
  2. I thank G-d every day for indoor plumbing
  3. I used to take Imodium before every live performance. I don’t do that anymore.
  4. After a steady diet of alt/rock, Barry Manilow, Miley Cyrus, and Kesha become “Alternative”
  5. It took me 18 years and 3 romantic relationships before I felt I understood the word “love” enough to tell my friends of 18 years that I loved them.
  6. I don’t remember growing up with any aspiring electricians or plumbers…considering I thoroughly enjoy electricity and indoor plumbing I find this to be disappointing and an oversight of North American education
  7. The day after power was restored to my house following a hurrican induced power outage I sat on the floor, in the dark, in my room…for 20 min. That is all.
  8. I consume at least one 7oz bag of spinach per week
  9. I slept on the floor of my closet for 4 years. I believe adding space to my room was the rationale.
  10. I would have no personal reservations in standing naked in front of millions of people…but I would probably question the moral implications of such an act.

P.S. Don’t miss GSRV Music this Thursday!

Just as a reminder, I’ll be performing alongside Schucks Road, Michelle Ferriera, and Around August this Thursday, Jan 31st at the Goodbye Blue Monday in Brooklyn, NYC at 8pm

Be Righteous,

~ G.S.R.V

Confessional #2: The 2nd poetic catalog of GSRV Music

For an explanation of “Confessionals” and the first ten confessions, click here

  1. I drink 3 liters of water per day out of a pyrex measuring cup (1 liter around each meal time)
  2. I Knowingly placed myself in thousands of dollars of debt
  3. I’m attracted to breasts but am still unsure as to why
  4. I enjoy the sound of a woman enjoying an orgasm
  5. I’ve read the Tanakh, the New Testament, The Bhagavad-Gita, and the Upanishads…but am always in a constant state of re-reading them because they contain so much information
  6. I’m more often attracted to women of african descent than women of european or asian descent (I’ve never met anyone from Australia or Antarctica so those continents are still up in the air)
  7. I’ve only hated/considered murdering one person in my life…I don’t hate them anymore (I didn’t murder them either)
  8. I could listen to James Brown’s “Funky Drummer” for hours hyperbolically, for an hour realistically
  9. I don’t think people can break actual laws…people break themselves…laws just exist
  10. After seeing Pirates of the Caribbean I began to walk like Johnny Depp. After reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X I began resting my temple upon my index finger.

Be Righteous,

~ G.S.R.V